Aerial view of residential subdivision

Available Workshops

The PHRC has developed and maintains a wide array of training for all sectors of the construction industry with a focus on residential construction. These workshops are intended to address technical issues facing the industry in an in-depth presentation, and continuing education credits are available. Courses can be scheduled upon request in person or virtually for interested groups and range from 2 to 4 hours in length depending upon the topic(s) selected. To schedule a workshop, complete this PHRC Speaking Request form to receive a cost estimate.

The programs below are currently available (topics are subject to staff availability).

4-Hour Options:

  • Residential Energy in PA Residential Moisture Management: The 4Ds (Parts 1-4)
  • A Comprehensive Deck Design from Footings to Guards: Learning from the Past (Parts 1-4)

2-Hour Options:

  • Air Flow in Homes: Managing and Verifying Airtightness
  • Foundation Insulation: From Slabs to Walls
  • Residential Moisture Management: The 4Ds (Parts 1-2)
  • Residential Moisture Management: The 4Ds (Parts 3-4)
  • A Comprehensive Deck Design from Footings to Guards: Learning from the Past (Part 1-2)
  • A Comprehensive Deck Design from Footings to Guards: Learning from the Past (Part 3-4)

Mix & Match Options (select at least two topics that are 1 hour each):

  • Building Enclosure Risk in the Code
  • Cathedral Ceiling Assemblies
  • Double-Stud Wall Framing
  • Comfort in a Bonus Room? It’s in the Details
  • Moisture Control Layers and Materials
  • Residential Decks
  • A Comprehensive Deck Design from Footings to Guards Learning from the Past (Part 1)
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The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center serves the home building industry and the residents of Pennsylvania by improving the quality and affordability of housing.

We conduct applied research, foster the development and commercialization of innovative technologies, and transfer appropriate technologies to the housing community.

Pennsylvania Housing Research Center

219 Sackett Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-2341

Fax: 814-863-7304
