PHRC Webinars

Stormwater BMP Maintenance Education for Homeowners [Archive]

4/11/2017 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Instructor: Katie Blansett (PHRC)


Link to Webinar:


When a land development project is complete, as part of the Notice of Termination (NOT) the developer will turn over the maintenance responsibilities for the Post Construction Stormwater Management (PCSM) Best Management Practices (BMPs). Long-term operation and maintenance (O&M) can be turned over to the conservation district, a nonprofit organization, the local municipality, an authority, a private corporation, or the homeowner. This webinar will address the items that must be included a PSCM BMP plan and the activities that a homeowner must undertake to maintain BMPs that might be on their lot. The information in this webinar is based on a new resource available from the DEP to help educate homeowners on their maintenance requirements if they are the party responsible for long-term O&M.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the components required to be included in a Post Construction Stormwater Management (PCSM) Best Management Practices (BMPs) Plan
  2. Describe key maintenance issues for commonly used BMPs
  3. Identify paths to take if a BMP is failing to function
  4. Locate additional resources available to the party responsible for long-term O&M



Free to attend; $20 for continuing education credits

Credit Hours

1.0 L&I Contact Hour, 1.0 PDH, 1.0 AIA LU, 1.0 ICC Contact Hour (0.1 CEU), 1.0 NARI hour/CEU

Tags: Land Development



The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center serves the home building industry and the residents of Pennsylvania by improving the quality and affordability of housing.

We conduct applied research, foster the development and commercialization of innovative technologies, and transfer appropriate technologies to the housing community.

Pennsylvania Housing Research Center

The Pennsylvania State University

116 Lidia Manson Building

3127 Research Drive

State College, PA 16801

Phone: 814-865-2341
