PHRC Webinars

Reducing Thermal Bridging with Continuous Exterior Insulation [Archive]

9/10/2019 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Instructor: Christopher Hine (PHRC)


Link to Webinar:


The desire to build more efficient buildings along with current energy codes has driven the construction industry toward new and modified construction practices over the past two decades. As buildings have become more efficient, the strategies for reducing energy consumption have become more detailed and increasingly complex. This webinar will take a look at how much of an effect thermal bridging has on energy efficiency, and then review how Chapter 11 in the 2015 IRC prescriptively requires the installation of continuous insulation in climate zone 6. We will conclude by taking a look into installation details along with specific code requirements for compliance.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the fundamental thermodynamic principles that allow for thermal bridges to occur in light frame platform construction.
  2. Identify current construction methods and assemblies that aim to reduce the effect that thermal bridging has on the efficiency and affordability of housing.
  3. Understand the energy efficiency requirements for meeting the prescriptive path to the 2015 IECC and 2015 IRC Chapter 11 for insulating with exterior rigid foam.
  4. Understand how the added insulation changes the dynamic of the “building science” within the wall assembly. This includes the movement of the dew point based on R-values and cavity insulation and associated potential risks of having the dew point located within the wall cavity.


Free to attend; $20 for continuing education credit in live webinar

Credit Hours

Live Webinar: 1.0 L&I Contact Hour, 1.0 PDH, 1.0 AIA LU|HSW, 1.0 ICC Contact Hour (0.1 CEU), 1.0 NARI hour/CEU

Tags: Energy Efficiency, Energy Codes, and Green Building



The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center serves the home building industry and the residents of Pennsylvania by improving the quality and affordability of housing.

We conduct applied research, foster the development and commercialization of innovative technologies, and transfer appropriate technologies to the housing community.

Pennsylvania Housing Research Center

The Pennsylvania State University

116 Lidia Manson Building

3127 Research Drive

State College, PA 16801

Phone: 814-865-2341
