PHRC Webinars

Ductwork in Attics, One of the Last Holdouts of Inefficient Home Design [Archive]

1/14/2020 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Instructor: PHRC Staff with Andrew Poerschke (IBACOS)


Link to Webinar:


While energy codes have continued to improve the thermal performance of homes, ductwork located in attics have remained a large source of inefficiency. Bringing conventional ductwork entirely into conditioned space has a visual and financial impact on the home. As an alternative, recent code changes have identified a strategy to bury ductwork within the insulation of an unvented attic to reduce HVAC energy consumption. This session will build off a discussion on the fundamentals of good duct design and consider recent code changes with regards to burying ductwork in attic insulation as an alternative to bringing ductwork into conditioned space. Burying ductwork introduces several performance and durability concerns including the risk of condensation. Several strategies will be discussed along with challenges and solutions.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the interdependence of correct load calculation, system selection, and duct design.
  2. Understand recent code changes with regards to ductwork buried in an unvented attic insulation and identify strategies to meet the updated code requirements.
  3. Understand energy and comfort impacts from burying ductwork or bringing ductwork into conditioned space.
  4. Identify health and durability risks associated with burying ductwork in attic insulation.


Free to attend; $20 for continuing education credit in live webinar

Credit Hours

Live Webinar: 1.0 L&I Contact Hour, 1.0 PDH, 1.0 AIA LU|HSW, 1.0 ICC Contact Hour (0.1 CEU), 1.0 NARI hour/CEU

Tags: Energy Efficiency, Energy Codes, and Green Building



The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center serves the home building industry and the residents of Pennsylvania by improving the quality and affordability of housing.

We conduct applied research, foster the development and commercialization of innovative technologies, and transfer appropriate technologies to the housing community.

Pennsylvania Housing Research Center

The Pennsylvania State University

116 Lidia Manson Building

3127 Research Drive

State College, PA 16801

Phone: 814-865-2341
